Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Numbers don't lie

One thing I learned early on in this business is the necessity of tracking my efforts.

What will it take based on track record to sponsor 20 people in 12 weeks?

The first thing that hit me when I looked at my numbers is that it's going to take a LOT of work. The second thing that hit me: I have NOT being working my business!

Sure, I've been busy: in the past month, I developed 2 new websites, set up a 90-day system for my team, wrote 2 auto-responders for follow up, etc.... But none of these activities are growing my business.

The principal activity I rely on to grow my business is phone prospecting.

I purchase leads (contact information of people who are looking for a home business) from advertising agencies and call them with the information they requested.

When working leads, you must have the right expectations otherwise,

you'll give up before you get anywhere.

Keep in mind that just because, someone requested the information,

it doesn't mean they are ready to join your or any business for that matter.

It is truly a numbers' game.If you're only calling a handful, you might as well not call at all.

What should you track
Dial: when you get a voicemail or you talk to someone other than the one you wanted to reach (wrong numbers, busy signals don't count)

Completed Calls: when you've reached the intended party (regardless of the outcome)

Appointment: after talking to a prospect, they agree to meet with you for a follow up call at a specific date and time. (if it's not specific, it doesn't count as an appt., sometimes people ask you to call them back, or to send them more info, that does not constitute an appt.)

Consultation: they show up for the follow up call.

Sales : they join your team

For example in a given week, I made 45 dials, talked to 9 prospects, set up an appointment with 2 of them ( 7 of them were either not interested, asked me to call back or to send more info), 1 of the 2 showed up for the follow up call and didn't join.

Compiling the numbers over a few weeks will show that on average, I've called 31 people every week, talked to 8 and barely scheduled 1 appt per week.

One of two things need to happen:
1) Develop my prospecting skills
2) Contact more people.

Method #1 will have to come as a result of method #2.
But saying that I need to talk to more people doesn't help me much. Does it?
As Dani Johnson says, "nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific"

So what it will take for me to sponsor 20 people in 12 weeks?

In order to sponsor 20 people in 12 weeks, I would have to make 36 dials and/or talk to 10 people 5 days a week or make 180 dials and/or talk to 47 people every week.Those numbers should result in 5 appts every week which will give me a fair shot.

Reaching those numbers on a daily basis would require more time and a lot more leads than I can currently afford.

But numbers don't lie, they give me a true picture of the situation.
But now I know....

"Reach for the moon. Even if you fail you'll land among the stars"

Warmest Regards,

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