Monday, March 17, 2008

Dealing with Objections

This past week, I listened to another excellent call from
If you have trouble dealing with objections,
you must listen to the show recorded on March 5, 2008.

We are not trying to convince or trick someone into
joining our opportunity.
The goal is to give them enough information without confusing them.
A confused mind does nothing!

Here are a few key phrases to get you comfortable on the Phone.
It's better to be prepared.

After the potential candidate has reviewed your company's information,
or you've made your presentation,
you start the "closing" ( for lack of a better word) process as such:
You: "Mr. Prospect, What questions do you have for me before determining
whether or not this business is appropriate for you?"
If they do have a question, you give them a brief answer then ask,
"Did that answer your question?"
If they say "No", you say;
"It sounds to me that you want the more in depth version.
Let me send you a (link, pdf, website ) that explains (whatever their question was)
and you can go over it in detail."
"What’s your next question?"
If they don't have any other question you say:
"Great! Let’s Get You Started!"
Here are a few common questions that the prospect may ask you.

Mr Prospect: How do I make money? How do I get paid?
You: It’s very easy. We get paid (weekly,monthly.. depending on your company).
And it’s based on the volume that’s generated in your business. And it’s not only the volume that you generate but also the volume of the people in your team.
Mr Prospect: What will I be doing?
You: Let me ask you. How did you find me?( if you're buying leads they requested
the info online for the most part) Ok Can you imagine if you had a system like mine?
And people came through your website and said I’m looking to make money from
home or if they come to your product website and said hey I want to buy such and
such? You’re going to contact that person just like we contacted you right? Get them
to look at the information that you looked at. And then after you’ve answered their
questions, with our help at first then they’re going to decide whether they want to
join your team or not. And anyone that joins your team you’re going to make 5-20% ( look at your comp plan) of their monthly volume. So you’re building a team and
moving volume of products either through people that join your team or customers.
Does that sound like something you’d be comfortable doing?
If they are still unclear direct them to something like Brilliant Compensation
by Tim Sales or the Perfect Business by Robert Kiyosaki
that explains the principles of Net-work Mark-eting
Mr Prospect:How much does it cost?
You: That’s the best part! There are 2 packages that make sense (Even if you have 5 packages just select 2, a high end and a low end, remember a confused mind does nothing). An ($ highest) package which gives you access to (whatever is part of that package) and an ($ lowest) package which gives you pretty much the same except (whatever they won't be getting). Which one makes the most sense for you?
Mr Prospect:I have to talk to my spouse, my teacher, my long lost cousin…
You: Ok. That's not a problem. When would be a good time for us to get back together with (your spouse, your teacher, your long lost cousin) on the phone?
Mr Prospect:No I want to do this by myself.
You: Ok No problem. Just do me a favor, make sure you take them through the exact process I took you through, otherwise you’re going to find yourself at a loss trying to explain
the business to them and they will not see it the way you do.
Has that ever happened to you before?
(Plan for follow up)
when is it going to be a good time for us to get back together?

Mr Prospect: I need to think about it
You:Would (2 weeks, 1 month, 1year,...depends on the guarantee offered by your company) be enough time?
Mr Prospect: Yes
You:Great! because our company has a (2 weeks, 1 month, 1year) money back guarantee. So let’s get you started so you can try the business, get to experience the company, the product the training and everything for (period of guarantee).
And if you’re not satisfied you’ll get (90%,...100% depending on company policies)
of your money back!

Mr Prospect: I really don’t have the money
You: I can appreciate that you don’t have (whatever it costs to get started in your company) sitting on your night stand, so How long is it going to take you to get
that money together?
Plan to follow up with them at the time they specified

You always follow your answers with the following routine:
"Did that answer your question?"
Yes (if 'No' see above)
"What’s your next question?"

No more questions
"Great! Let’s Get You Started!"
That's what I got from that call, but it was a hour long call.
I left a lot out amd the written word doesn't really convey how
you handle the questions, it only gives you the words.

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