Monday, February 16, 2009

KEY #2: Belief

Continuing on my journey to discover the "10 Keys to Create Wealth" with Trivita's Co-founder and CEO Michael Ellison and his book of the same title.

Last time, I shared my thoughts about the 1st key: Desire. This week's topic is about the
2nd Key: Belief. Michael says right off the bat that " it is necessary to reevaluate beliefs
about wealth because those beliefs can either move you forward or hold you back."

Since attending a Dani Johnson's "First Steps to Success Seminar", I have changed my belief about the role of money in my life. However reading about that subject, challenged my "money-notion" yet again.

Growing up in an under-developed country and being among the priviledged few always made me feel guilty about money. And the fact that I grew up with strong religious beliefs didn't help matter either: the references to the blessed poor and damned rich in the Bible left a strong impression.

What changed things around for me was to map my desire to be wealthy with the life purposes that wealth will allow me to fulfill; Such as giving my son a childhood rich in experiences and giving him the option to live the life he wants to not the one he has to; Such as founding and supporting organizations that take care of the street kids of Haiti: Providing education and health care for them. None of those things can be done without money.

Many misquote the Bible as saying that money is the root of all evil. Go look it up, 1 Timothy 6:10, it actually says "the love of money is the root of all evil". In other words how we feel about money and the degree to which we put our trust in money is what determines whether money is good or bad.

What's more God rewards his favored with wealth. Look at Abraham, David, Salomon, Joseph, they were all rich men. Money can create a certain quality of life, money can heal marriages, provide health and education, broaden horizons...

Michael challenges us that "rather than live by values and beliefs that you developed as a child or that resulted from societal influence, choose to live by intention, according to values and beliefs you fully embrace as an independent thoughful adult".

Use the following questions to test your belief about wealth:
1. Do you believe that wealth is mostly a matter of luck? Are you waiting for a lucky break? Waiting to sponsor a master recruiter that will build your business for you or are you learning and investing in your education so you can be that master recruiter yourself?

2. Do you believe that most wealth is inherited? Let's hope not. And I'll leave it at that.

3. Do you believe God wants you to be wealthy? That was a challenging question for me at first. But then it dawned on me: God would not put such desires in me if He wasn't ready to provide the tools and the means to achieve them.

4. Do you believe that wealth is limited to only a narrow segment of the population? In other words do you have a scarcity mentality and an abundance mentality. Thankfully, no matter what you believe, wealth is not a limited natural resource.

5. Do you believe that YOU can build wealth? This is the most important of the five questions.
As Henry Ford puts it, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, either way you're right".

In order to live a fulfilled life, your beliefs and values need to line up with your actions.Micheal makes a great analogy with a ship on the ocean. "A ship has a propeller to create
movement and a rudder to give direction. Your life's propeller is comprised of actions that move you forward at a certain speed. Your life's rudder is your set of beliefs and values that steer you in the direction you desire to go." If you don't have deep desires rooted in strong purpose,your propeller is malfunctioning and you will stall out in rough seas, if you don't have clear beliefs and values, your rudder is broken and you will not stay on course.

How does this apply to your business?
1) Do you believe that your business is the right business for you as you build wealth. If you have doubts about this, you will not do the things necessary to create a successful business.List the key points about your business that make it the right one for you

2)Evaluate the products you offer. Do you truky believe that these products will help others?
Back up your beliefs with solid evidence.

The bottom line is this: "What you believe determines your future"

Sunday, February 8, 2009

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Key # 1: Desire

From the "10 Keys to Create Wealth To Fulfill Your Life's Purposes"
by Michael R. Ellison

Reading about the first key helped me identify the life purposes that drive me and rediscover the innermost desires that propel and sustain me in my Wealth Journey.
Or as we often say in network marketing, "Discover my Why"

Often, I find myself jumping ahead to the how and the when in my business goals:
How can I generate more leads?
How do I get my new business affiliate started?
When will I quit my job?
But none of these questions matter unless I figure out
Why I'm doing this in the first place.

Why? Because the road to success is paved with obstacles, setbacks and disappointments , and unless I have a real and strong desire anchored by meaningful purposes, I will find thousands of reasons along the way to give up and give in.

Desire gives us focus and energy to pursue our life's passions.

Sometimes it's difficult to see beyond the day to day obligations and challenges of our everyday life, to imagine a world beyond our current reality.
Most adults have forgotten how to dream.
I have to admit that before starting my network marketing business,
I had lost my ability to dream as well.
Sad to say, but at 28 I was living a life of quiet desperation and I was blissfully unaware of it.
Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with my life back then:
I had just gotten married, was expecting my first child, had a good job, good friends, what else was there to dream about?
There was no need to venture pass the 4 little walls of my life until...
That's a story for another time.

To make a long story short, starting a business "awakened the giant in me".
It broadened my horizon, gave me new goals to aspire to.

My desire for wealth is not greed based , it's purpose based.
It's not about the money itself, it's about the freedom and opportunities that money brings about.
Freedom to set your own hours, live where you want, do the things that are important to you; Opportunities for your children to attend better schools, to travel and experience new cultures, to help the less fortunate.

There is an unforgettable scene in one of Steve Martin's movies "Parenthood"
After his wife announces that they are expecting their unexpected 4Th child just
after he quit his job in a pretty dramatic fashion; Steve in a moment of quiet desperation says "My whole life is have to."
I don't know about you, but I want to live the life I want to live, not the one I have to live.
Money is just a means to an end not the end itself.

Think about this for a little bit:
If Money was not an issue in your life what would you do with the extra time and money?

Here's to dreaming again!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pushing Through the Fear

I don't know about you but when I started with this business I was determined to succeed. I can still remember the sleepless nights thinking about all the records I was going to break, all the money I was about to make.
Then overtime, reality stepped in, doubth creeped in; I got in a rut, got stuck and have no
idea why. That thing stopping me has a name and it's called FEAR.

What am I really afraid of and how can I get over it?

I heard Jim Edwards say in one of his conferences that:
"Fear comes from this one question you ask yourself" :
"What will happen if it doesn't work out the way I want it to?"

The questions I ask myself control my thoughts and therefore my attitude and my actions.

I read a book called, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.
Here are my action notes:

1. Trust myself. Confidence is not the naive notion that everything will be OK, rather it's
the certainty, that whatever happens in my life I can handle it. Handling it means that I'll
work my way through it, I'll learn from it and ultimately I'll be OK.

2. Do my best and let go of the outcome. I can't control other people actions or reactions,
I can't control unforeseen events, so why worry about them.

3. Stop Complaining. If I'm complaining, I'm not taking ownership of my actions; I'm giving control of my life to other people and outside circumstances.

4. I'll do it anyway. Rather than being afraid of rejection or of what people will think of
me, I'm just taking action and worry about it later

5. Adopting the "no-lose" philosophy: "I can't lose regardless of the outcome of the decision I make". Why? because there are no such thing as mistakes and failures. In the Slight Edge, Jeff Olson says: "the secret to success is failure". "you have to go through something to get somewhere".

Did you know that :

* Michael Jordan, missed more than 9,000 shots in his carreer and lost almost 300 games.? 26 times, he missed the game-winning shot!

* Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, tried out thousands of different versions of it and every single one failed before he got it right. what did the great man have to say about it? "I have not failed. I've simply discovered ten thousand ways that don't work"

It's time to get over myself and start asking different questions:
- How will I grow and become a better person just by making the attempt?
- What will I discover or learn that I can use the rest of my life?
- Who else has overcome this obstacle and how can I model their beliefs and behavior?
- How many lives can I impact by taking action in spite of my fear?

From now on, I will act as if what I do makes a difference and commit to giving 100% to all areas in my life.

Warmest Regards,

Carmina Blaise
Enlighten, Empower, Enrich

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Most Important Relationship

Did you go through the yearly ritual of setting your goals?

My resolution for 2009:
Improving The most important relationship in my life; The one I have with myself.
Not for selfish reasons but for the simple fact that if I can't get along with myself, I can't have good relationships with the people in my life: family, friends, business partners and clients.
Even since "The Secret" came out most of us have been aware of the control our thoughts have over our lives. But "All too often, we reserve our harshest criticisms and our most negative thoughts for ourselves." says Robert Stubert in an article in Success Magazine.
Robert points out that "the first step in managing your relationship with yourself is to determine what you actually think about yourself".

I'm ahead of the game, I've read "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson last year and went through the journey of discovering what Jeff calls "My Philosophy" or how I see things which in turn determines my attittudes and actions. It has a surprising journey to say the least, one that I'm grateful to have been on.
I've discovered that I have an Olympics Game Philosophy. Let me explain...
I see the world as a non ending competition field: you either win or lose, no in
between. Second place is for the first loser. I have to bring the "Gold" home every time. This is exhausting! The worse is that I never give myself permission to enjoy my accomplishments. No matter what I do , I never feel I've done enough.
Do you sometimes feel that way?
This "stinking thinking" has held me back in my business, career and personal life.
This is why I've decided to work on me this year.

What stands between success and me, is just me.
Edmund Hillary who was one of the first man to reach the top of Mount Everest, the highest spot on Earth said "It's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves".
The problem is not with the company, products ,compensation plan or other people, the problem is getting out of our own way and going for it as if we knew for sure we couldn't fail.

As Zig Ziglar says, "Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the