Saturday, January 31, 2009

Key # 1: Desire

From the "10 Keys to Create Wealth To Fulfill Your Life's Purposes"
by Michael R. Ellison

Reading about the first key helped me identify the life purposes that drive me and rediscover the innermost desires that propel and sustain me in my Wealth Journey.
Or as we often say in network marketing, "Discover my Why"

Often, I find myself jumping ahead to the how and the when in my business goals:
How can I generate more leads?
How do I get my new business affiliate started?
When will I quit my job?
But none of these questions matter unless I figure out
Why I'm doing this in the first place.

Why? Because the road to success is paved with obstacles, setbacks and disappointments , and unless I have a real and strong desire anchored by meaningful purposes, I will find thousands of reasons along the way to give up and give in.

Desire gives us focus and energy to pursue our life's passions.

Sometimes it's difficult to see beyond the day to day obligations and challenges of our everyday life, to imagine a world beyond our current reality.
Most adults have forgotten how to dream.
I have to admit that before starting my network marketing business,
I had lost my ability to dream as well.
Sad to say, but at 28 I was living a life of quiet desperation and I was blissfully unaware of it.
Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with my life back then:
I had just gotten married, was expecting my first child, had a good job, good friends, what else was there to dream about?
There was no need to venture pass the 4 little walls of my life until...
That's a story for another time.

To make a long story short, starting a business "awakened the giant in me".
It broadened my horizon, gave me new goals to aspire to.

My desire for wealth is not greed based , it's purpose based.
It's not about the money itself, it's about the freedom and opportunities that money brings about.
Freedom to set your own hours, live where you want, do the things that are important to you; Opportunities for your children to attend better schools, to travel and experience new cultures, to help the less fortunate.

There is an unforgettable scene in one of Steve Martin's movies "Parenthood"
After his wife announces that they are expecting their unexpected 4Th child just
after he quit his job in a pretty dramatic fashion; Steve in a moment of quiet desperation says "My whole life is have to."
I don't know about you, but I want to live the life I want to live, not the one I have to live.
Money is just a means to an end not the end itself.

Think about this for a little bit:
If Money was not an issue in your life what would you do with the extra time and money?

Here's to dreaming again!

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