Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pushing Through the Fear

I don't know about you but when I started with this business I was determined to succeed. I can still remember the sleepless nights thinking about all the records I was going to break, all the money I was about to make.
Then overtime, reality stepped in, doubth creeped in; I got in a rut, got stuck and have no
idea why. That thing stopping me has a name and it's called FEAR.

What am I really afraid of and how can I get over it?

I heard Jim Edwards say in one of his conferences that:
"Fear comes from this one question you ask yourself" :
"What will happen if it doesn't work out the way I want it to?"

The questions I ask myself control my thoughts and therefore my attitude and my actions.

I read a book called, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers.
Here are my action notes:

1. Trust myself. Confidence is not the naive notion that everything will be OK, rather it's
the certainty, that whatever happens in my life I can handle it. Handling it means that I'll
work my way through it, I'll learn from it and ultimately I'll be OK.

2. Do my best and let go of the outcome. I can't control other people actions or reactions,
I can't control unforeseen events, so why worry about them.

3. Stop Complaining. If I'm complaining, I'm not taking ownership of my actions; I'm giving control of my life to other people and outside circumstances.

4. I'll do it anyway. Rather than being afraid of rejection or of what people will think of
me, I'm just taking action and worry about it later

5. Adopting the "no-lose" philosophy: "I can't lose regardless of the outcome of the decision I make". Why? because there are no such thing as mistakes and failures. In the Slight Edge, Jeff Olson says: "the secret to success is failure". "you have to go through something to get somewhere".

Did you know that :

* Michael Jordan, missed more than 9,000 shots in his carreer and lost almost 300 games.? 26 times, he missed the game-winning shot!

* Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, tried out thousands of different versions of it and every single one failed before he got it right. what did the great man have to say about it? "I have not failed. I've simply discovered ten thousand ways that don't work"

It's time to get over myself and start asking different questions:
- How will I grow and become a better person just by making the attempt?
- What will I discover or learn that I can use the rest of my life?
- Who else has overcome this obstacle and how can I model their beliefs and behavior?
- How many lives can I impact by taking action in spite of my fear?

From now on, I will act as if what I do makes a difference and commit to giving 100% to all areas in my life.

Warmest Regards,

Carmina Blaise
Enlighten, Empower, Enrich

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