Monday, August 20, 2007

Time Management = Self Management

Last week I attended a seminar about Time Management.

It was a 2 day seminar in the Big Apple, my favorite place and my best friend works a couple blocks away from the training facility so it was great!

Going to this training, I thought I was pretty good at Time Management,
but what I found out was that I was good at planning, not scheduling.

Perhaps you thought they meant the same thing: Me too!

Turns out, they don't: "Planning is deciding what to do.
Scheduling is deciding when to do it.
Scheduling is simply picking a time to do the activities"
You're probably saying to yourself that it's simply not possible to
schedule things because you never know how your day will turn out,
you don't know what may or may not happen on any given day.

Did you know that "at least half the thigs you schedule will probably
work out exactly as planned"?
Practice makes perfect: The more you try to schedule the more you
learn about how to schedule successfully.

Scheduling is the secret for making things happen.
Planning is an intention; scheduling is more like a commitment.
Why do I bring this up? What does this have to do with business?

Everything!!!You see most of us treat our home business as a hobby:
we don't give it the respect and commitment it deserves and yet we get upset
when we don't get the results we anticipated.

If your business is something that happens when there is nothing
else on your plate that day and if you're in the right mood,
let me save you a lot of grief and disappointment: Quit Now!
Save yourself some money and use your time for something else.

Just as you're expected to be at work from 9 am to 5 pm,
so should you "show up" for your business at set times and
commit to those hours whether you feel like it or not.

Are you committed or just interested in making money from home?
When you're interested, working at it is optional,
when you are committed you will do it even when you don't feel like it.

To Your Success,


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can you deal with people?

"Poor human relations can ruin the best marketing effort you could ever put together!"
- Jim Cathcart

You've heard it over and over again, Network Marketing is a people business.
It's surprising however how many network marketers still don't get it....
I've come across some pretty rude people in my prospecting and I love the fact that in Network Marketing I get to choose whom I work with.

Some customers or potential business partners are simply not worth the time, effort and aggravation it will take to deal with them.
When you first start in this business, it's hard to let go of a potential customer or business partner, specially when you don't have that many to begin with.

That said your own attitude will help or hurt your prospecting efforts. You can have an amazing product/service or pay plan, and an awesome marketing message, they won't do you any good, if you make your potential customers/business partners feel uncomfortable and don't treat them right.

Will you or have you ever bought something from a rude sales associate? Not me. I simply take my business elsewhere.

Your attitude may also reflect the way you feel about what you are doing.
Do you see yourself as a "Professional Problem Solver" or is it simply a numbers game to you? Do you care about helping your prospect fix, avoid or accomplish something, or are you simply trying to make a buck?
In other words, do you care?
Sure, we are all in business to make a profit but not at the expense of others.
Building a business that way is rather shortsighted in my humble opinion...
Strive to make each sales a Win-Win for both parties and Make a Friend Today!...

Warmest Regards,


Monday, July 30, 2007

Doubt can only be removed by action

"Doubt can only be removed by action."
I found this quote in my mailbox and it stuck with me the whole day.I remember when I was just starting in Network Marketing and before I truly understood why it worked as a business model and the potential that it offered average people like me, doubt was one of the major reasons why I was going no where fast.
I kept telling myself that I'd been had into some scam and I kept looking for reasons why I was going to fail.In retrospect that was a pretty silly attitude, but that is what happens when people don't do their homework, don't have the facts and they don't understand the basics.
I had a nagging question in my mind: "does this really work?"and I couldn't get it out of my head and it paralyzed me.
It's not until I invested in my education as a Network Marketer, by reading books, listening in on conference calls, etc.. that the whole thing started to make sense and I began to really take action.
Today, while I'm still very far from my dream life, I can see my business growing, not by magic but by my taking simple yet effective steps and applying key marketing strategies .
I'm taking action. I am no longer thinking about the ways I am going to fail; instead I'm thinking about what my next move is going to be.
This is exciting folks! Every day, I methodically get on the phone and attempt to connect with at least 3 people.
Every day, I follow up with leads and prospects by e-mails and sometimes even with a postcard.
I'm too busy working, I don't have time to doubt myself or the industry. I guess that's what the author meant to say and it's true....

To your success,

Monday, July 23, 2007

How 1 man in 3 years recruited 12 that recruited millions.

Are you struggling to attract and retain serious business builders?
Follow those strategies and see the quality of your recruits improve dramatically.

I know a man who is in my humble opinion the greatest network marketer of all time.
And I bet you know him too.
I have been following him for some time now and I’m floored about the simplicity and effectiveness of his marketing strategies.
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of him before. Who hasn’t?
His name was Jesus.

Want to stop attracting whiners and losers in your business?

1) Choose your business partners wisely.
Jesus chose his Apostles and called them one by one. See, Jesus didn't walk up to just anybody and ask them to follow him. He handpicked 12.
You need to be picky. Realize that not everybody qualifies to be a home business owner.
Your recruiting process must include an “interview”. Make sure that your prospects have the time, the money and energy to build this business.
If you’re serious about building a full time income in Network Marketing, you will be investing a lot in your team. Therefore you want to make sure that you’re investing in the right people.
If they don't qualify, let them go. You'll be doing them and yourself a service.

2) Give them homework
Sometimes you will get excited about a prospect because they seem to possess all the right qualities but once in the business they become dead weight.
One day, Jesus met a young and bright young man, he seemed to be the perfect candidate:
He was righteous and devoted to God. But when Jesus put him to the test, he simply couldn’t do it. (Mark 10, 17-22 )
How do you tell the good ones from the not so good ones? Put them to the test. Give them small and measurable tasks to accomplish during the prospecting process. It may be requesting a free resource from your website, listening to a CD/DVD…You'll find people who have all the right qualities for this business, but their life is just way too busy, they can barely squeeze in 5 hours a week or they don't have a penny to their name, they can't afford an internet connection... Let them go, they're not right for your business.

3) Train your people.
For a good part of his ministry on earth, Jesus spent a lot of time with his disciples.
And they did was watch him at work, absorbing everything.
Most of the people you’ll be recruiting have no marketing or sales background.
There fore before setting them loose, you must train them on the basics. Let them listen in on your calls, share with them your material, teach them how to make it their own.
We don’t want to create dependence, however, when you bring someone in the business, you owe it to them to show them the ropes. Yes understood, you may be new to the business yourself, but partner up with your upline or the one above to help you train your new people. Bring them to team calls, keep in touch with periodic phone calls and e-mails if only to let them know that you're there and you're available.

4)Don’t hide the hard facts and realities.
Jesus didn't sugar coat things, he told them what faith awaited them.
Yes, it’s rewarding work, but it’s work. It’s a simple business but it’s a business nonetheless. It will require Time, Money and patience. Lots of it…
In all honesty, being in this business requires a certain tolerance for disappointment.
Because in most cases success won’t happen overnight.

Have fun with your prospecting.
Let me know your thoughts on this.

Warmest regards,


What is the alternative?

What a morning!

When I stepped outside to go to work it was pouring. The road conditions were horrible.
My heart jumped out of my chest a couple of times as my car slid over the puddles,
and trucks unnerved by the slippery roads drove by a bit too fast and too close for my taste.
I gripped the wheel so tightly that my hands are still hurting as I'm writing to you.
........Risking my life to earn a few bucks. .....
That's not the worse part, my husband takes my son to school in the morning.
His day care is pretty far from our house.
Can you imagine what I'm going through knowing what they will be
exposed to the same conditions.
I won't breathe freely until I hear that they're both made it ok.

Mornings like these make me so grateful to have been introduced to Network Marketing.
If those crazy commute stories were all I had to look forward to for the next 30 or so years, I would be in a deep state of depression right now.
What is the alternative to my home business? Quite frankly, I don't have one.
This is it for me.
Have you decided to make network marketing your career?
If not, why not? What is your alternative?
I can hear you from here:
It's not working for you yet and you're not sure that it ever will?

No one has ever mastered anything on their first, second or tenth tries....
without learning how to do it first.
Remember when you were learning how to drive? How many tries did it take before
you were comfortable enough to drive on your own or venture on a highway?

And even if it took 10 years to get to a monthly income of $10,000.
Wouldn't it still be better than a lifetime of commuting, stressing out and
depending on someone else?

Warmest Regards,

Friday, July 20, 2007

It hasn't happened for me yet...

When I started in the Network Marketing industry, I was a young mother with a single objective: stay home with my baby boy. Richard was 3 months old when I started my career with a Health and Wellness company.... he's turning 3 in October.... I still have to go to work....
I know you must be thinking. What is this girl doing? Isn't she tired of wasting time and money into this never ending quest? I know..... I've heard it a dozen times and said it to myself a thousand.......
But there's an actual logic to my madness.

My dad is an astute business man in a country with very limited resources. He started with nothing and made a name and a small little fortune for himself by working hard and smart.
I'll take his advice over any gurus... so anyways, one day I was really frustrated with the little progress that I was making in my own business, so I asked him how long it took for his main business to really take off and return a profit. I was shocked by his answer:
5 years!!!!

My dad owns a traditional business, a brick and mortar store, it took 5 years of him working a full time job, working day and night at his store and funding his business out of his own pockets before seeing a profit. .. 5 years!!!!
I later found out that statistics show that 5 years is the average for most businesses to turn a profit.

The misconception in Network Marketing ( fueled by mainstream advertising) is that it's quick and easy money. Supposedly Money flows in the minute you get in.

Why marketers feel the need to inflate their claims to ridiculous amounts, I will never comprehend.
As it is, Network marketing already sounds too good to be true.
What other business can you start with less than a $1000, work on a part-time basis
and have a reasonnable expectation of generating a 6-figure income with in 2-5 years?
What other business? I don't know of any. Do you?

My little brother (bless his heart) is a medical student. He spent 9 years studying, sweating over books and cadavers. He has yet to see a dime.
But what is the payoff? A six-figure salary right off the bat.
Has he earned it? You bet!
He's paid his dues, he gets to reap the benefits of his hard labor.
But it didn't happen overnight.... 9 years and a whole lot of school loans!

I don't know... all I know is that I'm sticking to it until I make it.
And I will, you watch...