Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can you deal with people?

"Poor human relations can ruin the best marketing effort you could ever put together!"
- Jim Cathcart

You've heard it over and over again, Network Marketing is a people business.
It's surprising however how many network marketers still don't get it....
I've come across some pretty rude people in my prospecting and I love the fact that in Network Marketing I get to choose whom I work with.

Some customers or potential business partners are simply not worth the time, effort and aggravation it will take to deal with them.
When you first start in this business, it's hard to let go of a potential customer or business partner, specially when you don't have that many to begin with.

That said your own attitude will help or hurt your prospecting efforts. You can have an amazing product/service or pay plan, and an awesome marketing message, they won't do you any good, if you make your potential customers/business partners feel uncomfortable and don't treat them right.

Will you or have you ever bought something from a rude sales associate? Not me. I simply take my business elsewhere.

Your attitude may also reflect the way you feel about what you are doing.
Do you see yourself as a "Professional Problem Solver" or is it simply a numbers game to you? Do you care about helping your prospect fix, avoid or accomplish something, or are you simply trying to make a buck?
In other words, do you care?
Sure, we are all in business to make a profit but not at the expense of others.
Building a business that way is rather shortsighted in my humble opinion...
Strive to make each sales a Win-Win for both parties and Make a Friend Today!...

Warmest Regards,


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