Monday, July 23, 2007

How 1 man in 3 years recruited 12 that recruited millions.

Are you struggling to attract and retain serious business builders?
Follow those strategies and see the quality of your recruits improve dramatically.

I know a man who is in my humble opinion the greatest network marketer of all time.
And I bet you know him too.
I have been following him for some time now and I’m floored about the simplicity and effectiveness of his marketing strategies.
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of him before. Who hasn’t?
His name was Jesus.

Want to stop attracting whiners and losers in your business?

1) Choose your business partners wisely.
Jesus chose his Apostles and called them one by one. See, Jesus didn't walk up to just anybody and ask them to follow him. He handpicked 12.
You need to be picky. Realize that not everybody qualifies to be a home business owner.
Your recruiting process must include an “interview”. Make sure that your prospects have the time, the money and energy to build this business.
If you’re serious about building a full time income in Network Marketing, you will be investing a lot in your team. Therefore you want to make sure that you’re investing in the right people.
If they don't qualify, let them go. You'll be doing them and yourself a service.

2) Give them homework
Sometimes you will get excited about a prospect because they seem to possess all the right qualities but once in the business they become dead weight.
One day, Jesus met a young and bright young man, he seemed to be the perfect candidate:
He was righteous and devoted to God. But when Jesus put him to the test, he simply couldn’t do it. (Mark 10, 17-22 )
How do you tell the good ones from the not so good ones? Put them to the test. Give them small and measurable tasks to accomplish during the prospecting process. It may be requesting a free resource from your website, listening to a CD/DVD…You'll find people who have all the right qualities for this business, but their life is just way too busy, they can barely squeeze in 5 hours a week or they don't have a penny to their name, they can't afford an internet connection... Let them go, they're not right for your business.

3) Train your people.
For a good part of his ministry on earth, Jesus spent a lot of time with his disciples.
And they did was watch him at work, absorbing everything.
Most of the people you’ll be recruiting have no marketing or sales background.
There fore before setting them loose, you must train them on the basics. Let them listen in on your calls, share with them your material, teach them how to make it their own.
We don’t want to create dependence, however, when you bring someone in the business, you owe it to them to show them the ropes. Yes understood, you may be new to the business yourself, but partner up with your upline or the one above to help you train your new people. Bring them to team calls, keep in touch with periodic phone calls and e-mails if only to let them know that you're there and you're available.

4)Don’t hide the hard facts and realities.
Jesus didn't sugar coat things, he told them what faith awaited them.
Yes, it’s rewarding work, but it’s work. It’s a simple business but it’s a business nonetheless. It will require Time, Money and patience. Lots of it…
In all honesty, being in this business requires a certain tolerance for disappointment.
Because in most cases success won’t happen overnight.

Have fun with your prospecting.
Let me know your thoughts on this.

Warmest regards,


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