Monday, July 23, 2007

What is the alternative?

What a morning!

When I stepped outside to go to work it was pouring. The road conditions were horrible.
My heart jumped out of my chest a couple of times as my car slid over the puddles,
and trucks unnerved by the slippery roads drove by a bit too fast and too close for my taste.
I gripped the wheel so tightly that my hands are still hurting as I'm writing to you.
........Risking my life to earn a few bucks. .....
That's not the worse part, my husband takes my son to school in the morning.
His day care is pretty far from our house.
Can you imagine what I'm going through knowing what they will be
exposed to the same conditions.
I won't breathe freely until I hear that they're both made it ok.

Mornings like these make me so grateful to have been introduced to Network Marketing.
If those crazy commute stories were all I had to look forward to for the next 30 or so years, I would be in a deep state of depression right now.
What is the alternative to my home business? Quite frankly, I don't have one.
This is it for me.
Have you decided to make network marketing your career?
If not, why not? What is your alternative?
I can hear you from here:
It's not working for you yet and you're not sure that it ever will?

No one has ever mastered anything on their first, second or tenth tries....
without learning how to do it first.
Remember when you were learning how to drive? How many tries did it take before
you were comfortable enough to drive on your own or venture on a highway?

And even if it took 10 years to get to a monthly income of $10,000.
Wouldn't it still be better than a lifetime of commuting, stressing out and
depending on someone else?

Warmest Regards,

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